Central States Winter Tournaments

Warm up for show season at the tournaments!

Release Form | Tentative Class List | Tournament Rules

Central States Winter Tournament

All tournaments are held at the Scott Pavillion, American Royal Complex, Kansas City, MO

FEBRUARY 1, 2025

Please try to participate in these tournaments. We hope to be in the new American Royal heated facility for their soft opening next January, and we need to know if we have enough interest.

Judge: Annalisa Hall

TO ENTER, email or text your stall numbers, rider & horse names, and classes to Lynn McCallister:
Email: lmcstable@aol.com | Text: 913-579-7709

NEXT TOURNAMENT: March 1st, Judge: Sarah Track

There will be no overnight stabling. Stalls are $55. No shavings will be available at the venue.

We are very flexible on the class list. If you have a class you would like to see added, especially the show practice classes, please send Lynn an email or call her at 913-579-7709.

You MUST call or email in your entries by the Wednesday before the show. After Wednesday, entries will not be accepted. Please order stalls early, class changes during the show are acceptable. Entry fees are $25/class.

The small warm-up ring will be restricted to the class following the one currently in the ring once classes have commenced.